Friday, Saturday and Sunday have been registered 156, 185 and 101 new COVID-19 cases out of 1,227, 1,364 and 776 tests respectively. During the same period 22 people passed away from the virus. On Saturday Health Minister Venko Filipce stated that the increased number of infected is due to the relaxation by the citizens, who without respecting the measures for personal protection and social distance held large family gatherings. The same day Skopje Mayor Petre Silegov published on his Facebook page that he has tested positive for COVID-19, and that he is in good health and has no need for hospitalization. Silegov expressed his regret in not managing to protect himself in spite of respecting the measures and stated that he hopes that he has not transferred the virus to anyone. On Sunday it was announced that the Children’s Hospital in Kozle has started to accept COVID-19 patients, for what purpose it has made available 75 beds, of which 15 are reserved for the youngest. The number of currently hospitalized coronavirus patients surpasses 300.