Nine EU member-states have drafted a new non-paper about the internal reforms in the EU, concerning the procedures for the Union’s enlargement. The non-paper, signed by Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Slovenia suggests that the implementation of internal reforms in the EU should not delay or obstruct the processes for its enlargement. “New political incentives include annual meetings of the European Council with the Western Balkan leaders, increased participation of WB representatives in selective Council meetings, as well as Council Committees and Commission working groups. Enlargement of the Western Balkans should also be discussed in the Conference on the Future of Europe, which is planned for 2020-2022. The beginning of the new EU legislative cycle provides an opportunity for a renewed impetus to the EU integration of the Western Balkans. We thus look forward to the Commission’s proposals to improve the enlargement process,” writes the non-paper of the 9 EU member-states.