In the wee hours of Saturday, Parliament adopted the changes to the Electoral Code. As a result, certain polling stations from the Municipalities of Debar, Krusevo, and Mavrovo i Rostuse will be removed from Electoral District 6 and transferred to Electoral District 5. DUI MP Artan Grubi voiced satisfaction, saying the transfer had been an OSCE/ODIHR recommendation since 2014. Previously, on Friday, most of the discussion in Parliament had focused on the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) Draft Law. MPs traded fierce accusations. According to the ruling majority, the adoption will mean a start of the fight against corruption and crime, whereas VMRO-DPMNE believes that the document is being pushed through forcibly and unconstitutionally in order for SDSM leader and Cabinet officials to be “saved from responsibility”. As opposition party MPs explained, they are not against a PPO law, but rather against the current version. In that regard, very harsh accusations were traded.