“The Special Prosecutor’s Office Law is a farce. In the reform process, we don’t accept it in this form,” the Alliance for Albanians’ Surija Rushidi said on Monday. As he added, it is another attempt to “close the eyes” in front of the international community before a start of EU membership negotiations. “This is yet another political game, as was the case with the Amnesty Law, which was agreed upon by SDSM, DUI and VMRO-DPMNE,” the MP pointed out. The same day, BESA said it was completely unacceptable for Albanians, that is, political representatives from the Albanian bloc not to be included in the process to make decisions in important processes in the country that directly affect Albanians’ interest. The support for the Law from both the independent group of VMRO-DPMNE and DPA is uncertain, too, especially after the verdicts against DPA leader Menduh Thaci and Bedredin Ibraimi in the Titanic 2 case. The working groups in charge of the text of the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) Law haven’t been formed despite the statements made on Sunday by PM Zoran Zaev and VMRO-DPMNE leader Mickoski that they would begin to intensively hold meetings starting from Monday.