Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska commented on the dismissal of 33 employees from the PE for Communal Hygiene. Few days ago, the management of Communal Hygiene, headed by Director Kosana Mazneva decided to terminate the employment contracts of 33 employees, citing as reason the fact that some of them did not show up at work for months, or even for years, but continued to receive regular salary. “It is normal for employees to be dismissed if the management of an enterprise are no longer satisfied with their work. As a local self-government, we were given a mandate from the people in order to attend to their daily needs and issues and to deliver to them the best service possible, and to create the least possible amount of unproductive expenditures. The responsibility for a job done well or bad in the end is ours, and I think people not coming to work but still being paid should be condemned for their actions,” Arsovska said. Opposing to Arsovska, the dismissed employees claim that they are victims of political revanchism, accusing Arsovska and the other involved parties of lying about them allegedly not coming to work. This case provoked numerous mixed reactions by the public. While Levica Leader Dimitar Apasiev praised Arsovska and Mazneva for the dismissal, Deputy Director of the Public Revenue Office Abdul Selam Selami addressed Arsovska in a Facebook status stating “Danela, if you found a mountain without a wolf, don’t think you can do what you want,” but later he deleted the status.