“Schools are ready for the new school year, the focus is on quality and safe teaching. The communication with the local self-governments and the school managements is intensive before the start of the new school year, in order for all of us to be well prepared and to return the teaching to the classroom, where in fact it has the greatest effect not only in terms of students’ knowledge but also in terms of their socialization and proper psychophysical growth and development,” stated Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska during Monday’s visit to the primary school “Nikola Karev” in Probistip where she inspected the conditions provided by the school for admission and teaching with physical presence on the eve of the new school year. She added that she is satisfied with what she saw during the intensive visits to the municipalities and the municipal schools during this month and appreciates that the schools are ready for quality, but also for safe teaching, which will mean good education for the children, but at the same time, she says, the health of the students and staff will be protected as well.