Ten parliamentary committees fail to meet even half of transparency criteria, while 14 don’t adopt minutes on a regular basis. However, in general, 2018 saw an increase in transparency in the work of Parliament and its committees. These are part of the data in the Citizens’ Association MOST’s report “Index of accountability, transparency and productivity of Parliament for 2017-2018”. PS Talat Xhaferi mentioned on Tuesday the formation of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption as a good example. However, in his view, more work is needed to increase political culture. As the PS added, things are moving forward in a rather positive direction. “In this term, the parliamentary majority in Parliament has managed to bring back, I would say, the spirit of parliamentary democracy,” Xhaferi stressed. The British Ambassador to Macedonia, Rachel Galloway, stated that attention was directed at reforms, an area in which institutional transparency had a big role. According to her, there can’t be public awareness about the Government’s and Parliament’s work if there is no openness towards people.