On Monday, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, commenting on Foreign Minister and DUI member Bujar Osmani’s stand that there is a wing within the opposition party that is in favour of a change of the Constitution, said there was no such line within his party. Mickoski’s position that no VMRO-DPMNE MP will support the changes “under a Bulgarian dictate”. Regarding the Phoenix case, the VMRO-DPMNE head stated that the goal was to divert attention from “those buying property” worth millions. In his view, if the charges were true, there would have been an outcome eight years ago. On the other hand, SDSM continued to describe the Skopje 2014 project as an “ultra-money laundering” process. When it comes to DUI, Mickoski said that if one got their family involved in politics, as Ali Ahmeti had done, they are then “under the bottom, because he turned from a human rights fighter into a criminal”.