Restricting the citizens’ movement between 21:00 to 06:00 hours during the night was generally respected throughout the country, while 18 people were arrested, Technical Interior Minister Nakje Culev informed at a press-conference on Monday. The Minister informed that 74 persons have been issued warnings throughout the country, who then proceeded to follow the directions of the police officers, and nine criminal charges have been filed. According to him, the Ministry of Interior undertakes activities toward establishing elements for submitting criminal charges for the remaining offenders. MoI members control 618 persons with isolation and health surveillance orders and 7,307 persons with statements of self-isolation, with a total of 77 criminal charges filed throughout the country. Police officers conducted 322 inspections of persons in isolation and 3,606 inspections of persons with statements for self-isolation. The controls found one person not to respect the isolation order and 22 who did not respect the self-isolation statements. The police, according to Culev, will file appropriate criminal charges. In addition, during the 26th Government session, a decision was made to amend the movement restriction of citizens across the country. The prohibition of movement for all citizens from 21:00 to 06:00 is replaced by the restriction of movement from 21:00 to 05:00 due to the overcrowding in public transport and due to the need for citizens to reach their work places in the morning. In addition, the Government decided to prohibit the movement of citizens over 67 years from 11:00 until 05:00 o’clock the following day.