The main arguments the Justice Ministry will use to request for Goran Grujevski and Nikola Boskoski to be extradited from Greece is to refute the Greek Court’s arguments regarding the pardons granted by President Gjorge Ivanov, according to Minister Renata Deskoska. As she pointed out on Monday, a new extradition request is ready and its translation is underway in accordance with the deal with Athens. Asked whether the lack of an international warrant for the arrest of former PM Nikola Gruevski was the reason because of which he hadn’t been held in any country during the escape to Hungary, Deskoska stated that the question was in the area of the Interior Ministry. However, as she added, those countries didn’t have an obligation to act if there was no international warrant at that time. As regards the amnesty issue, the Minister declined to comment on the law’s text because the procedure to prepare it is underway and she doesn’t know the exact details.