Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov said at a press conference on Monday that the Macedonian Government has already sent appeals for assistance in the dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic to several foreign countries. “The EU announced 4 million euros support in terms of immediate needs of the health system, as well as over 60 million euros to help mitigate the financial consequences of the crisis, and a shipment was announced through a UN Agency with Norwegian assistance. We also received positive response from China, but we still need to work out the specific information about the quantity of content and its transport to our country. Late Sunday, Turkish President Erdogan’s office informed us about their assistance to North Macedonia in face masks, protective bodysuits and tests, which will be announced on Monday. These days I spoke with many of my counterparts and ambassadors here. I spoke to Sweden about reallocating development cooperation in terms of support to small and medium enterprises. I spoke to Berlin as well and counterpart Roth, and sent a consolidated list of needs. I expect support from all our friends,” Dimitrov said.