Defence Minister Sekerinska met Thursday the director of Crisis Management and Planning Directorate (CMPD) of the European External Action Service Gabor Iklody. “The Republic of Macedonia received a positive response less than two months after it filed a motion for involvement in the European project for assessment of hybrid threats. The Defence Ministry has undertaken the leading role as coordinator of the entire process, which involves 27 institutions. Finalisation of the Prespa Agreement will enable Macedonia’s NATO accession, thus strengthening the stability and security of our country and the region in general, reducing risks of this type. Macedonia will, in a few weeks, acquire the right to attend and voice its opinions at all Alliance meetings,” said Sekerinska, adding that the Government is promoting a new policy of creating friends instead of enemies, the goal being cooperation and reconciliation in the region, building bridges and friendship with neighbours. CMPD officials said the Western Balkans states are not only partners but also future EU members, whereas Brussels’ relationship with Macedonia is high on its agenda, said the Defence Ministry in a press release.