Education Trade Union Strike to Continue in Secondary and Primary Schools

Hands holding protest signs. Workers going on Strike

The Trade Union of Education, Science, and Culture’s strike in secondary and primary schools will continue. On Tuesday, the members rejected the salary increase of 12% offered by the Government the previous day. “Our membership was today voicing a stand on the proposals. Out of 480 trade union organisations that presented data, 388 were in favour of the strike continuing, whereas just 83 were in favour of the strike stopping,” the Union’s President, Jakim Nedelkov, said. According to him, based on the results, the majority of trade unions against the strike are from the field of children’s protection, whereas those in favour of continuing are from the field of education. As a result, he said, the Union’s Council decided to put the kindergarten strike on hold. That means kindergartens will resume to work regularly as of Wednesday.