The new leaders’ meeting, hosted by President Stevo Pendarovski on Monday, didn’t result in a deal on an election date either. The parties’ stands remained unchanged. SDSM insisted on elections as soon as possible, whereas VMRO-DPMNE believes that an election process can be held at the end of the summer because the citizens’ health is the priority. BESA and DPA share SDSM’s stand, whereas Alliance for Albanians considers that elections in June aren’t possible. As far as DUI is concerned, Ali Ahmeti’s party urged consensus. Sela and Alternative leader Afrim Gashi believe that elections should be held on 26 July. DPA’s stand, however, is that elections can be held 22 days after the end. Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, and caretaker PM Oliver Spasovski participated in the meeting, too. DPA leader Menduh Thaci didn’t partake, that is, Azem Sadiku was the representative of the party. Monday didn’t see an announcement about a new leaders’ meeting either.