Filipce: 15 New Cases of COVID-19 in Past 24 Hours


Health Minister Venko Filipce announced at a press conference that in the past 24 hours in Macedonia 15 new cases of COVID-19 were registered, after which the total number of cases in the country increased to 570. “In the past 24 hours we also registered 3 deaths related to COVID-19, one 40-year old man from Kocani without previous diagnoses for other illnesses, and two men from Tetovo, one at age of 69 who had a brain tumour, and another man at age of 65 without a medical history of previous illnesses. At the moment 70 patients are hospitalised at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje, of which 8 are in critical condition and hooked on medical ventilators. I would like to inform that we have completed the preparations at the 8 September Hospital in Skopje and that 4 patients with COVID-19 were admitted there. In other cities, 4 patients are staying in the Stip Hospital, and one in the Bitola Hospital,” Filipce said. Caretaker PM Oliver Spasovski, speaking about the conditions for state quarantine of repatriated citizens, said that once they are dismissed from the state quarantine premises they are to stay in isolation at their homes for another 14 days. “The government’s decision to place people in state quarantine was a good move, because it contains the spread of the virus and protects citizens. That’s why state quarantine sites were designated,” Spasovski said. Health Minister Filipce also pointed out that both in Macedonia and in the world healthcare employees are contracting COVID-19 while working with infected patients, and that hospital staff are organised in rotations in order to avoid risks of being infected.