The Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov and the Minister in charge of Communications, Transparency and Accountability Robert Popovski pay an official visit to London, UK. On Wednesday, Dimitrov took part in a conference “Freedom of media in West Balkans and their way of work”, and had his own address. “I find this issue to be one of the greatest for the Balkan region. Without informed citizens we cannot have democracy, and without free media we cannot have informed citizens. My country had to learn lessons the hard way; we lived in times in which over 20,000 citizens were illegally eavesdropped by the former government. The crisis culminated with the violent incidents in the Parliament on 27 April 2017, and the public broadcaster MRTV aborted the broadcast during the incident. For the past 2 years, the Macedonian government has achieved significant progress when it comes to the freedom of the media, and there is still a lot to be done, but we remain dedicated to improving the conditions,” Dimitrov said.