FM Osmani Pays Official Visit to Italy

Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani started on Monday his official visit to Italy. Upon his arrival in Rome, Osmani held a meeting with his Italian counterpart Luigi di Maio, at which they discussed possibilities for improvement of the cooperation between Macedonia and Italy in numerous fields. “Italy is one of our 10 greatest trade partners, and both their political and economic support for our country is very meaningful and fruitful,” Osmani said. Osmani and Di Maio also discussed the issues concerning the integration of Macedonia in the EU and the credibility of the EU enlargement process in the Balkan region. In Rome, Osmani also met the Secretary for Relations with States within the Holy See’s Secretariat of State Paul Richard Gallaher, with whom he discussed the promotion of the inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia, as well as possibilities for cooperation in the field of culture and preservation of cultural heritage.