From Wednesday (28 April) to 15 May, the curfew will last from 9 pm to 5 am. The exception to that will be Easter (1/2 May) and Eid al-Fitr (13/14 May). At its session on Tuesday, the Government changed several other measures concerning the COVID-19 situation. Hospitality venues will be able to work only in the open parts, that is, on the facilities’ terraces until 8:30 pm. Hospitality companies registered for celebrations (weddings, birthdays et al) will be able to organise their work only as restaurants in the open air, that is, on the terraces, while the ban on organisation of weddings, birthdays et al remains. The exception to this are hospitality venues at international airports, as well as in accommodation facilities (hotels, motels, hostels and others) for persons staying in those facilities. The session also saw the dismissal of Stojko Paunovski as Director of the State Market Inspectorate over his refusal to employ 35 people on the basis of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.