The government of Macedonia held on Monday a session in the House of Carpenters in Kumanovo. This is a third session this year that the government holds outside of the capital Skopje, the previous two taking place in Bitola and Tetovo. “We intend to proceed with this trend in 2020 as well, with one governmental session outside of Skopje at least once per month. This way the central government is brought closer to the local self-government and of course, the citizens in all parts of our country. Having this in mind, the Mayors of Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Lipkovo and Staro Nagoricane attended this governmental session as guests. One of the purposes was for the ministers to get to know closely the issues of the citizens in this region, which is why some of them conducted terrain activities and visited state institutions in Kumanovo, like hospitals, schools, units of local self-government etc.,” said PM Zoran Zaev.