Greek Ministers from “Independent Greece” voice Support to Government

The Greek Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura and the deputy Minister of Agriculture Vassilis Kokalis, both coming from the party “Independent Greeks” lead by the former Greek DM Panos Kammenos, voiced open support to the Greek government and the Prespa Agreement. Both Kountoura and Kokalis made these statements while attending a tourism fair in China. “I am deeply convinced that this government should get our support in completing the processes it already started which are to bring stability to our country, which is why I give my support to them,” Kokalis said. Right after their statements, Kammenos announced via Twitter that both ministers are officially expelled from the MP group of “Independent Greeks” in the Greek parliament, where the voting of confidence in the government of PM Alexis Tsipras is to take place on Wednesday. Kammenos even demanded organisation of a referendum in Greece in which the citizens would express their opinion about the Prespa Agreement and the new name of Macedonia, a request which was estimated as a paradox by the Governmental Spokesperson Dimitris Tzanakopoulos.