Health Minister Filipce Express Concern over Markings of Eid al-Fitr

Despite the Government’s appeals, a huge number of Muslims headed to mosques to observe Eid al-Fitr on Sunday. Islamic Religious Community Head Sulejman Rexhepi, who was part of the ceremony in Skopje’s Mustafa Pasha Mosque, declared victory over the coronavirus. A big part of believers wore face masks in line with protection measures. After the prayer, Rexhepi, who’s 74, also expressed gratitude for the congratulations on his marriage to 24-year-old Emina Jetishi from Skopje, who’s Vice President of DUI’s branch in Studenicani. A big part of Christians and Muslims didn’t comply with measures during events to mark Eid al-Fitr and Ss Cyril and Methodius Day, respectively. The following day, Health Minister Venko Filipce described the photos and news reports about the marking of the holidays as concerning. “Despite the health institutions’ appeals for there to be no mass gatherings, for measures for distancing and limiting of movement to be complied with, that didn’t happen,” he wrote on his official Facebook page.