Health Minister Venko Filipce Resigns at Saturday’s Press-Conference

Minister of Health, Venko Filipce resigned after the tragic accident at the Tetovo modular hospital, where 14 people lost their lives in a fire. “A year and a half ago we registered the first COVID-19 case in our country, I remember that day. We had two press conferences from this same rostrum. From that day until today, I always stood openly and transparently in front of the citizens, announcing all the good and bad news. I was never out of criticism, I never failed to respond, I never gave up the battle to win against the pandemic. All the decisions we made had a single goal, and that is to protect the health of the citizens. The last tragedy in Tetovo affected me a lot, I feel very sorry for the victims, I sympathize with their families, there are no words that can describe it, nor a way to compensate for the loss. As a doctor and a minister, I have integrity. That is why today, for moral reasons, I offered a written resignation to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev,” said Filipce in his address.