Health Ministry Figures on COVID-19 Cases on Monday and Tuesday

In the last 24 hours, 99 new COVID-19 cases have been registered, the Health Ministry said on Tuesday. It was added that the same period had seen 1,384 new tests, 214 new cured patients, and eight deaths. The number of active cases in the country is currently 1,895. Monday had seen 37 new COVID-19 cases, six new deaths, 251 new cured patients, and 484 new tests. Among the victims is former Centar Zupa Mayor Mazllum Hassan. 12 police officers from a foreign contingent helping at the southern border are among the new coronavirus cases. All police officers are from the Czech contingent. None of them had had symptoms, but the screening process before heading back to the Czech Republic showed the presence of the virus. The tests covered 40 police officers. Epidemiologist Sasko Olumcev says they’ve already been placed under strict quarantine.