At a meeting on Monday, Interior Minister Nakje Culev and Additional Deputy Minister Slavjanka Petrovska overcame most of the misunderstandings resulting from the former’s withdrawal, through a telegram, of the orders for reallocation of police officers issued by predecessor Oliver Spasovski. They’ve also overcome the issue of the Skopje Internal Affairs Sector head. Petrovska told Kanal 5 TV they had agreed on how police units should function in the coming period. Details will be announced officially by the Ministry. However, the Additional Deputy Minister is not giving up on the intention to file a criminal charge against Culev over the telegram. The same day, the State Election Commission (SEC) received the Minister’s request to make a final decision on the appointment of Risto Stavrevski as Chief of the Skopje Sector. According to SEC President Oliver Derkoski, after consultations will members, a session will be scheduled at which a decision will be made. After Culev’s telegram, former President Gjorge Ivanov’s security detail showed up for work on Monday morning at Villa Vodno. Stevo Pendarovski’s Cabinet confirmed that several people from Ivanov’s team had come to work, but added that the current President’s detail consists of the same people that had been members of said detail since the start of Pendarovski’s term.