Bojan Jovanovski and Katica Janeva received their verdicts for the Extortion case and were sentenced to 9 and 7 years in prison respectively. Both defense and prosecution are not satisfied with the verdict. Public Prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska stated that she did not expect any less than 10 years for Jovanovski. “I will declare this day as the day of the political campaign in Macedonia and you have made a political verdict. Ask for the extorted money from Zoran and Vice Zaev, and not with Bojan Jovanovski,” stated Jovanovski. Several VMRO-DPMNE spokespeople reported and commented on the event. SDSM Leader Zoran Zaev denied Jovanovski’s accusations and named them fake news. Zaev explains that this is Jovanovski’s revenge for his refusal to help him during the court proceedings. He further says that this verdict only confirms the rule of law and legal equality in the country.