VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski wants to first see Levica’s referendum initiative before commenting on it. On 16 September, during a visit to Stip, Mickoski announced support for the referendum. “Every initiative that is in direction of what we demand will be supported by us,” he said then. When it comes to SDSM, the ruling party, too, will voice a stand once the initiative is submitted to MPs and considers it. As MP Lidija Tasevska pointed out on Wednesday, Levica and VMRO-DPMNE are the biggest obstructers of North Macedonia’s integration processes. The same day, SDSM denied reports in certain media about an alleged reshuffle of the Government. As it was stressed, the party’s leadership and highest organs haven’t discussed that at all. The only change that will be made is the new Minister of Local Self-Government, who will succeed Goran Milevski.