On Wednesday, asked about what his party would do after the rejected referendum initiative, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said his party would continue to be bringing down the Government until early elections were held. Asked whether VMRO-DPMNE would support Levica’s initiative, he stated that the “game of submitting initiatives can be played endlessly”. However, Mickoski added that Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi would one day be held to account. The opposition leader reiterated his stand that Dimitar Kovacevski should resign as PM. “At the very least, Kovacevski should say he deserted and resign,” Mickoski stated. According to him, Kovacevski has made two contradictory statements, that is, one about the postgraduate studies and another about surgical interventions. “He can twist the truth within the Government and SDSM, but it’s a fact he deserted,” Mickoski said in Veles.