VMRO-DPMNE filed an amendment to the draft-law on inclusion of ethnicity in citizens’ IDs, which demands the name of the country to remain “Republic of Macedonia”. As VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said, the Prespa Agreement clearly states that the new name of the country is to be introduced in personal identification documents 5 years after the Agreement was signed. “We want to remain Macedonian in our IDs, so our MPs will not support these law-changes unless our amendment is accepted,” Mickoski said, adding once again that VMRO-DPMNE does not oppose the inclusion of ethnicity in the IDs. PM Zoran Zaev however, rejected this proposal of Mickoski, saying that if the opposition wants to provide support to the law for inclusion of ethnicity in IDs, they should do so under the official name of the country “Republic of North Macedonia”. “This situation is as if one wants to make love with their partner, but not hug them in the process,” PM Zaev said jokingly about VMRO-DPMNE’s proposal.