The leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, wrote on Facebook that the government majority did not accept the citizens’ initiative to postpone the census. Earlier on Tuesday, in a statement to the media, Mickoski said that after the submission of the Initiative for annulment of the Law on Census, he expects the collection of signatures to begin in a month at the latest and that now the President should submit it to the parent committees, which will assess its correctness. If the Government however, decides to propose a postponement of the census, Mickoski said that the ideal time for them for the census is spring 2022, and that June-July census is something that is not done. The same day, during citizen meetings, Mickoski once again reiterated the need for new early parliamentary elections saying “The things that can be seen from the moon are the Great Wall of China and new early parliamentary elections”.