Mickoski: Only Way Out of Current Situation Is Parliamentary Election

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview for Kanal 5 that they officially withdraw one of the two proposals they gave to PM Dimitar Kovacevski about the situation with the constitutional changes. “It’s been four weeks now, and Kovacevski still has not accepted any of our proposals, which is why from now on the only option we offer to him and SDSM is organisation of early parliamentary election. Once VMRO-DPMNE assumes power, I can promise you that we shall greatly improve the conditions in the economic sector. When it comes to our accession in the EU, we have been listening to sweet talks by European officials for 20 years now, so the recent statements of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz are nothing new. If the EU really want our country to join, then they would reveal the text of the negotiation framework, and maybe try to remove the segment including our bilateral agreement with Sofia,” Mickoski said.