Mickoski Responded to Criticism by European Commissioner Varhelyi

The President of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, does not consider that he crossed the red lines by disputing the French proposal. Asked about the statement of European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, who said that by burning the document in Parlaiment, VMRO-DPMNE crossed all red lines, Mickoski answered that the only red lines that were crossed were those for the sale of the Macedonian identity. The statement by the European Commissioner for Enlargement came just as Mickoski and party Vice-President Nikoloski met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Budapest. In an interview for Euroactive, Varhelyi criticized the Macedonian opposition. “For North Macedonia, this should be a sobering moment, and for the opposition. Burning documents in the plenary hall, pushing people to violence and inciting hatred bring nothing, only harm. There are very clear boundaries for the European way of conducting politics, very clear boundaries for civilized politics, and my assessment is that many of those red lines were crossed by the opposition,” said Varhelyi. In relation to this debate between Mickoski and Varhelyi, SDSM came out with a reaction, from where they say that after all their lies, the scenarios for destabilization have failed and after the MPs ran away from the discussion and did not vote in Parliament, now Mickoski is putting the blame on the EU and Varhelyi. “Are those the directions from Nikola Gruevski that Mickoski left for Budapest or is there something else? In Budapest, did Mickoski also address his country as an abbreviation from the license plate, with NMK? Apart from Nikolovski, was there room for his partner Apasiev in the car to Budapest? Mickoski needs to sober up from the destructions, otherwise he will remain alone with Apasiev in the anti-EU coalition that works for other people’s interests,” say from SDSM.