VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said in an interview for Sitel TV that his party will support the Population census only when all field agents are vaccinated against COVID-19. “We are ready to voice full support for the Population census the very moment when we find out that all field agents conducting the census are immunised against COVID-19, because only that way the citizens can feel safe to accept them in their homes. Until this happens, we believe that the census should be postponed for this autumn, which may also delay the local election a month or two. I care for people’s health more than the secret deals between Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti. I also advise all citizens to choose health over politics. Hence, I do not intend to open the doors of my home to unvaccinated Population census field agents. While all this is happening, the government still has not procured vaccines for the people. It is a real shame that in time when around 30 people die every day, some of the state officials travel on holidays in Mexico and Dubai, while others lobby for Population census at international meetings instead of trying to strike agreements for procurement of vaccines,” Mickoski said, and called PM Zoran Zaev for a tête-à-tête meeting him whenever he feels ready in order to discuss all problems in the country and attempt to find solutions for them. Later on Thursday, PM Zaev wrote on Facebook that he accepted Mickoski’s invitation for a meeting, and that it will take place on Monday at the Club of MPs in Skopje.