On Sunday, Interior Minister Nakje Chulev said part of the Ministry’s management, hired in the criminalistic police, was in direct relation with criminal structures. In an interview with Alfa TV, he stated that there was a tariff to keep criminal charges in a drawer, to destroy means to commit a crime, or to make more sever crimes lighter. According to Chulev, additionally, there is information that part of those managing structures, appointed by his predecessor, Oliver Spasovski, are directly involved in criminal activities themselves, that is, they are on a payroll of the criminal structure with a fixed monthly compensation in order to issue information about operational-technical special investigative measures towards the criminal structures’ members and, furthermore, to issue information when the Interior Minister plans concrete activities to arrest or detain them. The Additional Deputy Minister, Slavjanka Petrovska, however, denied the accusations. All signed acts, she said, are in accordance with the law and with the Ministry’s regulations.