The Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi informed Monday the coordinators of the MP groups and the Vice-Presidents of the Parliament that a new MP group has been formed by the MPs that were recently excluded from VMRO-DPMNE. The group consists of 8 MPs, coordinated by former Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, which were excluded from their party VMRO-DPMNE after voting in favour of the constitutional changes prescribed by the Prespa Agreement. The MPs from the new group met later on Monday PM Zoran Zaev, FM Nikola Dimitrov and Justice Minister Renata Deskoska, in order to discuss the four requests they delivered before the voting for the amendments for constitutional changes. After the meeting, PM Zaev announced that the four requests by these MPs shall be included in the draft-amendments to the Constitution of Macedonia, which are to be delivered to the Parliament no later than Friday. The interlocutors also talked about the formation of a working group that will work on the reconciliation process, with Zaev expressing hope that all issues will be settled on time for the country’s integration in NATO and EU.