Nikolovski: Option for Broader Alliance Out of Question

SDSM Sec Gen Ljupco Nikolovski informed on Thursday that SDSM would only agree upon a government headed by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev as PM. “The deadlines for formation of a new government are not expired yet. However, we do not intend to enter a so-called broader alliance as a result of the narrow difference between the ruling party and the opposition. I hope and I expect that by the end of August we will complete all these processes and put in function the new parliamentary assembly and the new government,” Nikolovski said. Deputy PM and DUI member Bujar Osmani said that DUI will enter in an alliance only with parties that pledge for full implementation and respect of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, the Prespa Agreement with Greece and the Good-neighbourliness Agreement with Bulgaria. “The guarantee for these three agreements is the main criterion for formation of alliances. Once the other parties convince us that these agreements will not be compromised, we can proceed with negotiations for cooperation, as well as our initiative for Albanian PM of North Macedonia,” Osmani said.