According to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, SDSM and the ruling structure it leads are calculative and leaving room in the dispute with Bulgaria in order to continue to calculate and use national interests in trades. He announces that the leaders’ meeting will be held on 12 May. Mickoski adheres to the stand that now is the time to deal with the effects of the coronavirus crisis, not for elections, even though he is adamant that regardless of when the election process is held, his party will be the winner. Officially, SDSM says it’s in a rush for elections because it doesn’t want a potential second pick to once again delay the election process. The ruling party’s leader, Zoran Zaev, would want the elections to take place the middle of June. In such a situation, DUI will once again be the decisive factor. According to unofficial information from Ali Ahmeti’s party, though September is the desired option, nobody is ruling out the possibility of DUI agreeing with SDSM’s stand. As far as the State Election Commission (SEC) is concerned, though it is ready for an election process, it needs a new election date in order for the procedure to start. Once it gets one, SEC President Oliver Derkoski says, it will need a little fewer than 60 days to update the voter list and prepare the process.