The ODIHR election observation mission (EOM) is ready to resume its activities related to the elections in Macedonia. However, it’s waiting for an official decision on the election date. The ODIHR says for Kanal 5 it is aware of the difficulty of the activities they will need to carry out during the pandemic. “We will do or best, but we’re still waiting to hear the date. We need to know the official date, yes. We are now going to be looking for possibilities to deploy an observation mission, but we need to take very careful account of the travel restrictions and the health situation. Our biggest priority is to make that sure that the observers and our staff are safe,” Katya Andrusz, ODIHR spokesperson, points out, commenting on whether there will be enough time for the Office to get ready if, for example, the elections are held on 5 July and the campaign starts a week from now.