Osmani and Dimitrov Comment on Latest Developments over Skopje-Sofia Issue

Politics for politicians, history for historians. That’s the stand of Foreign Minister Osmani, who says mutual interference harms the Skopje-Sofia negotiations. According to him, the proposal to freeze the History Commission’s work for two years will mean undermining of the 2017 Good-Neighbourliness Treaty.  Osmani points out that, Dragi Georgiev, head of North Macedonia’s team, and all members can comment what they want about their views on history. “That’s a duty of theirs. We shouldn’t comment on them, but historians mustn’t talk about the process that defines the political issues. Freezing the Commission’s role is undermining the Good-Neighbourliness Treaty. Now, that’s a political matter,” the Minister stresses. However, the Bulgarian part of the body points the finger at Skopje. Angel Dimitrov, head of Sofia’s team, says in an interview with a Bulgarian radio station that the key to the European door is in the hands of North Macedonia’s politicians. He refers to North Macedonia as a “young neighbour”.