Osmani-Edtstadler: Austria is Biggest Lobbyist for Western Balkans Integration

The Republic of Macedonia has fulfilled its part of the obligations and expects decision for negotiations start at the spring EU summits, stated Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani at Friday’s meeting in Vienna with Austria’s Minister for Europe, Karoline Edtstadler. “The Western Balkans is in the heart of Europe, surrounded by EU member states. A simple glance at the map shows that it is not about enlargement, but about rounding up, finalizing a process of unifying the continent. Only a stable, secure and prosperous Balkans is a strong guarantee for a stable, secure and prosperous Europe,” stated Osmani, expressing gratitude to Austria for the continued support it provides to the Republic of Macedonia and the entire region. Previously, Deputy PM Osmani had a meeting at the lower house of Parliament with representatives of the Committee on European Affairs, led by its chairman Reinhold Lopatka, and his agenda also included meetings with Barbara Kaudel-Jensen, the foreign policy adviser to Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz and with Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, Secretary General of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.