Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani said on Tuesday that the opening of a Bulgarian culture centre in Bitola with the name of Vancho Mihailov is a provocation and negatively affects the relations between Skopje and Sofia. “The high-profile guests that attended the opening, except Bulgarian PM Kiril Petkov, were there in order to provoke reactions from the EU about the alleged violation of human rights of Bulgarians living in our country. However, now it is up to official Sofia to explain to the EU the profile of the historical figures they observe and celebrate,” Osmani said. In meantime, the European Commission (EC) remains silent about the events in Bitola. EC Spokesperson Ana Pisonero reiterated at a press conference that according to the EC, North Macedonia and Albania have fulfilled all conditions to start the accession talks, and that the EC support the efforts of Skopje and Sofia to find mutually acceptable solution for their bilateral issues.