Osmani: NATO Demonstrated Unity and Reaffirmed Security

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, participated in the extraordinary meeting of the North Atlantic Council of NATO, at the level of foreign ministers, which was held in Brussels. The meeting focused on the security situation in Ukraine, with strong condemnation of the unprovoked military strike by Russia. Such an unjustified step is a direct act of aggression, a strong violation of international law, as well as a serious blow to the democratic principles on which the world security order is based. In this regard, the foreign ministers expressed strong support for Ukraine’s political independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, within internationally recognized borders. At the same time, he stressed the assistance provided to Ukraine, as an additional expression of solidarity with Ukrainian citizens. “This crisis has shown that EU enlargement is primarily a security policy and therefore the EU should be proactive in the Western Balkans, accelerate its enlargement in the interest of our common stability and close the intervention vacuum,” Osmani concluded.