DUI spokesperson Bujar Osmani, who is also the Deputy PM for European Affairs, said on Tuesday that the preparations for the party’s congress were the central topic at the session of the Central Presidency of DUI. Answering a journalists question about the announced reshuffle, he stated that the focus was on the foreign policy regarding the Euro-integrations, after which the steps in the internal policy and the changes in the executive power would be known. “On Thursday, we will be in Berlin, where the dynamism of the integrations will be defined. On the basis of this dynamism, the internal issue will be defined. Therefore, until then, we cannot say what approach we will have regarding the reshuffle,” Osmani noted. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and PM and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev have intensively communicated over the issue, but, currently, the European agenda, that is, the announced meeting between German Chancellor Merkel and Zaev remains the priority.