Chairperson-in-Office of OSCE Bujar Osmani came out with a proposal in 9 points for de-escalation of the current situation in the North of Kosovo, where for several days now police forces of official Pristina clash with groups of ethnic Serbs. In his plan Osmani proposes the following steps:
1 – Kosovo and Serbia must reaffirm their dedication towards the fundamental agreement they reached in Ohrid.
2 – Kosovo must withdraw the police forces, while Serbia must decrease the military presence at the border with Kosovo.
3 – the police forces of Kosovo, along with those of Eulex and KFOR, must be allowed to establish order and care for the security of the citizens.
4 – Protests should be cancelled, and municipal authorities should resume function by allowing free access of the employees to their municipal offices.
5 – Current mayors in the disputed municipalities should resign, opening the road for new local election.
6 – Organisation of early local election in the municipalities in question. 7 – OSCE will support the new election and their organisation.
8 – OSCE will engage young people in processes and programmes for reconciliation.
9 – OSCE’s units will remain available for supporting processes for continuation of the dialogue between the two parties.