“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is coordinating activities related to dealing with the consequences of the bus accident in Bulgaria in which 45 Macedonian citizens passed away, together with the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry. The process of identification of the victims is ongoing, and after its completion, an organized procedure for transferring the bodies of the deceased will follow,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani. “I do not know if tragedies can be measured in size but today is a really sad day. I believe that today we all live one of the saddest days in the recent history of the country,” said Osmani at a joint press conference in the Government with the Ministers of Interior, Oliver Spasovski and Transport and Communications, Blagoj Bocvarski. During his visit to Sofia, Osmani informed that they had established direct lines of cooperation on several levels with the Bulgarian authorities regarding the accident, in accordance with the agreed directions. Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski stated at the press conference that he expects a quick and comprehensive reaction from the competent services.