Parliamentary Questions: Education and Vaccination among Discussed Topics

The session for parliamentary questions, held on Wednesday, started off with the opposition urging Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska to explain comprehensively the plan for textbooks. VMRO-DPMNE’s stand is the print editions should be annulled, while people should have more options. In response, Carovska said parents and teachers would have an opportunity to choose between print and electronic textbooks. VMRO-DPMNE Vice-President Vlado Misajlovski stated that it was not OK for the Ministry to gradually replace all print textbooks. “All citizens in this law get an opportunity to choose,” the Minister responded. VMRO-DPMNE also criticised the Government over the number of vaccines. In response, Filipce said North Macedonia was a small country and it’s really hard to get vaccines in a time when the big countries are fighting for them. The session also saw a discussion on the dismissal of Stojko Paunovski as State Market Inspectorate Director, the economy, and other topics.