Parliamentary Session Scheduled After Coordination Meeting with Xhaferi

Extraordinary coordination meeting was convened by the President of Parliament in order to unblock its work, including that of the working bodies, given that some of the parent bodies have been suspended for more than 5 months. The coordinators of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE informed PS Talat Xhaferi on which points an agreement was reached for unblocking. Xhaferi stressed that there should be no prioritization of certain points because the leaders of the political parties agreed on it outside of Parliament, and that the work should be unblocked at every level and all political parties should abandon the practice of holding the adoption process hostage, including laws, lack of quorum due to justified health reasons of MPs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, or submission of a huge number of amendments to one law, burdening the service of the Parliament as well as the legislative process.