Parties have continued to present unchanged stands on the issue of whether elections should be held. SDSM believes that there must be elections before the end of June, whereas VMRO-DPMNE believes that the health situation in the country doesn’t allow for elections. According to the ruling party, there shouldn’t be rallies during the campaign. “Such gatherings will not be organised. Most of the focus will be on media presentation, online video events, and other types of digital communications,” SDSM said on Thursday. On the other hand, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimce Arsovski stated that there were only two reasons why SDSM was saying that elections should be held, that is, not being in touch with reality and being a blind follower of the orders of Zoran Zaev. Health authorities will request for the state of emergency, which ends on Saturday, to be extended. On Friday, when the Security Council will hold a meeting, after after which President Pendarovski will decide whether to accept the request.