Pavlov: Liturgy of MOC and SOC is Extension of Anti-Bulgarian Propaganda

The mutual liturgy service of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), on occasion one year since SOC granted the Autocephaly Tomos to MOC, provoked negative reactions in Bulgaria. Bulgarian historian Plamen Pavlov stated in an interview for Bulgarian news agency BGNES that this liturgy and celebration is continuation of the power and supremacy of Belgrade over Skopje. “PM Dimitar Kovacevski and President Stevo Pendarovski only declaratively pledge for EU accession, but in action they continue to endorse the anti-Bulgarian hysteria. I do not understand this, since MOC is already autocephalous, so we can conclude that this act only revives the ex-Yugoslav anti-Bulgarian propaganda, and that the current regime in power follows the footsteps of the regime of Nikola Gruevski,” Pavlov said.