Pendarovski: Parliament Is Functional, No Need for State of Emergency

The situation with the coronavirus in the country is extremely serious, the citizens should respect the measures, said President Pendarovski after the session of the Security Council, which was attended by Prime Minister Zaev and Health Minister Filipce. They do not see the need to declare a state of emergency because, as they say, there is a functioning Parliament. “We were informed about the functioning of the Central Crisis Headquarters, the people in the crisis headquarters follow on a daily basis what is happening in the region, in Europe and are ready to apply in practice the best models in our country as soon as possible. Due to the autumn wave of the pandemic, the health system is being reorganized, additional capacities are being hired, maximum efforts are being made to test as many people as possible and to care for and treat as many patients as possible. Neither in the government, nor in the Ministry, nor in the CCH the whole experience of the world has not been gathered, so any well-intentioned and constructive criticism of the improvement of our national state response to the pandemic is welcome. There is and must be good will in the ministry and in the Government as a whole and readiness for all useful ideas and proposals to be accepted,” President Pendarovski said.