“The security situation is stable, so far there are no indications that there is a direct or indirect threat to its security in the Republic of North Macedonia,” said the Minister of Defence Slavjanka Petrovska. It is the duty and competence of the institutions from the security intelligence sector, as Minister Petrovska stated for Television 24, to constantly monitor the situation and inform about possible change. Petrovska informed that they have been in contact with all citizens who have reported that they are currently in Ukraine and the goal, as she said, is when safe conditions are created, to be brought to the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she added, would not risk jeopardizing the security of the country’s citizens. She reaffirmed that they join the solidarity of NATO and EU member states for direct and practical assistance to Ukraine. That assistance, informs Petrovska, is exclusively at the request of the Ukrainian authorities, and they as a Ministry possess it. The Minister says that at the moment there is no decision to mobilize members of the army and send them to Ukraine.